Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Weird Coincidences

Okay, so yesterday I was asking why it feels like time is flying by...and I surmised that it is because we need a reminder to live fully. Well, duh. Time feels like it's flying by because it is. I guess when you have more time behind ya than in front of you...oh well you get the picture. Anyway, got really upsetting news today that my sister has lung cancer. She is probably doing better than I am, which is scary because I have always been the strong one. Anyway, prayer works and I am asking everyone I know to please pray that the doctors can cut it out and that will be the end of it. Please kiss your loved ones who are near and call or write those who aren't and tell them you love them. Life is short and getting shorter each day. So please live with gratitude and appreciate what and who you have. Our lives and what happens to us is all in God's hands. Live aloha!

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