Monday, June 28, 2010

Marketing Books is Harder Than Writing Them

Getting a book written is harder than you think but even bigger and more time consuming is learning about marketing! I cannot tell you how much effort goes into it not to mention hiring someone to do it for you. The costs add up quickly and you have no guarantees that these folks are following through with what they told you. I met with Chris Flett who is a business wiz and he told me that I would just have to do it my own self. It is eye opening. Wish me luck and if you feel so inclined please read my book and write a review on and but don't forget to do the star rating part of it or it brings down the evaluation. I will write more soon...right now I have to go listen to my learning CD.
BTW, I had a fabulous chat with Carol Marleigh Kline on her radio show Streetwise Spirituality last Friday on ContactTalkRadio. She was awesome. The week prior to that I did an interview with a wonderful woman Helen Smalley-Bower from Honolulu whose show FineTuneYoU airs on Blogtalkradio...she was just terrific too. I have been very fortuntate to have met so many wonderful people while traveling this path. Mahalo nui loa (THANKS!) to all of them.

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