Friday, June 4, 2010

Reminder of upcoming radio programs and reviews of the ones I have already done!

I was on vacation but still managed to do an interview on SUNDAY, May 23rd 7pm PST on Ronda & Tim Bertram's "Circles of Sand" show at ContactTalkRadio. It was really different having two people to talk with at the same time. Ronda and her husband Tim co-host the show that encompasses every aspect of life and love. They want to have me back on again for a follow-up plus Ronda has her own show that she does solo. By the time we had our chat she had not received my book so they did an awesome job even though they hadn't read it yet.

on WEDNESDAY- JUNE 2nd at 8pm PST my chat with another wonderful woman who was a fabulous interviewer aired. Dr. Linda's show "Fire Up Your Soul!" is on ContactTalkRadio...if you missed it you really must go to her archives. She had some very indepth questions...really made me think so, it should make the listeners think too. I loved chatting with her.

SUNDAY, June 13th 6pm PST-Helen Smalley-Bower "Fine Tune YoU"-BlogTalkRadio... Helen says, "I am a spiritual director, holistic theologian, and certified life coach. I combine all three disciplines to provide different choices for life's challenges." Fits right in with my story.

FRIDAY, June 25th 8pm PST - Carol Kline's "Streetwise Spirituality"- ContactTalkRadio... Carol's goal is to make sense out of life's most confusing moments and to help her listeners tame their dragons and move on with their lives.

WEDNESDAY, July 28th 11am PST - Rabbi Wayne Dosick's "SpiritTalkLive" show Can't wait to chat with Rabbi Wayne. We had a brief telephone conversation and he is very interesting! tune-in!

MONDAY, July 26th 5pm PST
I just got booked by a lovely woman in Pennsylvania who does numerology. We had a nice chat. She sounds wonderful and so talented. While talking with her I told her how when I was pregnant with Keili and the doctor told me that I could choose the due date (planned C-section) I called Dr. Bill Womack and asked him to do numerology to help choose the best date during the week we had been given to choose from. Brie wanted to have her sister's birth on Pearl Harbor Day because on the calendar it was the only date of significance and she thought it was a holiday. We nixed that explaining to her that Pearl Harbor Day wasn't a good choice for our family. So, we left it in Bill's hands. Well, Alison confirmed that Keili's godfather Bill whom she refers to as Ding Dong Bill (long story for another time) had chosen a great birthday for his godchild. So, big excitement for me - she asked me to send her my info and Cory's. She will talk about our joint mission on the air. So, I urge all of you to tune-in on MONDAY, July 26th 8pm Eastern and 5pm Pacific time on BBS radio. Go to BBS radio. Click-on Live Talk #1 to hear the show.

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